Are you over 40, not sleeping, feeling exhausted, irritable and out of control with hormones?

This 8-week program is to help you take back control of your energy, mood and cycle during this hormone transition called perimenopause. 

The next group course starts
Friday March 10th, 2023 
(12 noon EST)

I have Worked with Thousands of women, healing themselves and creating hormone harmony.

My online course will teach you what I know.

When we hit our 40's, our hormones begin to change. 

How much that change affects us depends on many factors, including our stress hormones, degree of insulin resistance, immune system balance and inflammation as well as our gut health!

If you are noticing your moods are starting to feel a bit more volatile (aka snapping at your loved ones!), PMS getting intense, having sleep issues or generally just feeling your cycles are changing, I'm really glad you are here!

15 years in the making

I began working with women's health since 2007. Since then I've helped women transition into glowing goddesses, in the birthing room, the bedroom and the boardroom (and everywhere in-between). 

Over these years, I've come to know what works and when, and what doesn't serve the divine feminine nature (i.e. strict diets). 

I combine the superpower strength of herbs and supplements, nutritional knowledge, lifestyle habits and mind-body healing to help gently nudge your hormones into better balance. 

I work with all of the systems in your being to do so - digestive, immune, neurological as well as the endocrine system. It's a full-spectrum approach. 

Course Modules Month 1

In this part of the program you'll learn:

Using nutrients, food and herbs to balance hormones.
Which hormones cause which symptoms
How to create better energy and mood throughout your cycle. 
Lower inflammation for better skin, weight management and energy.
Restore balance to your nervous system for deeper sleep and calmer moods. 

At the start of the program you'll also have your 1:1 consultation with your Naturopath to hone into the unique symptoms you present, your health history and to order lab tests for a full evaluation. 

You'll meet every week in a group setting for 1 hour to connect with other women who are also on the path of hormonal harmony and sparking that libido for life. 

Course Modules Month 2

In these modules you'll learn:

gut healing for lowered inflammation
lifestyle tips for supporting mood, sleep and PMS symptoms.
how to work with detoxification for hormone balance. 
understanding the complex interplay of the hormones shifting during perimenopause and which foods can help you feel like yourself again.
lifestyle and herbal strategies to work on adrenal health
self-compassion for a path towards love vs judgement

You will dig deeper into the group connections, embark on an even deeper dive with your nutrition and creating new neural pathways for daily stress reduction. 

I'm pumped and ready to go... are you ready?

The benefits of my system

4 simple steps to success

A customized treatment plan tailored towards your unique hormonal imbalances and symptoms.

Enjoyable educational modules to help you take back power in balancing your hormones, long-term.

Group connections that will give you support, accountability and healing on a deep, soul level.

Cultivating self-love and compassion during this time of change and growth.

My system will help you with: 

Supporting your hormonal balance from a root cause
Learning how to cultivate more energy and metabolic fire to stoke your life and body.
Uncovering your unique hormonal blueprint and how to manage it throughout the transition in your 40's and early 50's.
Support moods, libido, sleep and body composition so you can feel more in control of your health. 
Using food, lifestyle, herbs and supplements to support the hormonal transition through perimenopause and prevent other health issues from popping up later in life. 

I want you to know that I get you, I see you and I'll be with you every step of the way as you get yourself balanced and feeling hormonally well again.

How is the program structured?

Weekly Modules

These modules are live, online, in a group format and recorded if you miss one! It's equivalent to having 8 hours with me to learn the methods to support perimenopause and ask questions. 


As we work through the learning lessons I will be sharing with you nutritional resources, recipes and meal plans to help guide you. There will be no guess work! 

1:1 Support

Depending on which level of participation you require we will have 1 or 3 1:1 sessions during the program to offer you tailored support for your unique situation. 


Take back control of your hormones.

You will be joining a small group of other like-minded women who are dedicated to balancing hormones and living their best perimenopause years!


Connect and share with other women going through what you are going through.

Know what to do

There's nothing worse than feeling like there's nothing you can do to help yourself. There is!


I will give you step-by-step instructions for building up a health program you can carry out for years to come.

Perimenopause Program

Hormone balancing for better energy, moods and sleep!

8 week program

1 hour weekly LIVE classes
Ask me anything Q&A
Daily check-ins on our group messaging board.
Detailed plans to follow.
Recipes, resources and so much more!

Individual care

Our 1:1 consultation will provide you specific instructions for your unique health needs, based on your unique symptoms!


In between our weekly classes you can ask questions and get support from myself or the group on our messaging board. 

Easy access

Everything is streamlined in our app and patient portal. Our online classes, your documents and recipes as well as our community board. Simple!

© Copyright  Dr. Jada MacLeod, Naturopathic Professional Corp.  2022 All Rights Reserved


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